Visualize LNPlay
Inspect the Lightning Channel Graph.

We're hosting this project at It allows you to connect to one of the LNPlay nodes you deploy and draws a channel graph of all the channels it knows about. Here's an example from one of our largest events.
GitHub - evansmj/cln-node-visualization: Core Lightning channel visualizer. Connect to your node, and see the channel graph. Used in workshops at Unconfiscatable, Bitcoin Atlantis, bitcoin++ Buenos Aires, and more. In conjunction with LNPlay (
Core Lightning channel visualizer. Connect to your node, and see the channel graph. Used in workshops at Unconfiscatable, Bitcoin Atlantis, bitcoin++ Buenos Aires, and more. In conjunction with…
You can use assuming you have at least one Clams Connect QR code available. Scan in the QR code, then use Clams Remote and extract the websocket URI and rune information. Paste that into the Channel Graph visualizer, then select TLS before clicking Draw!
Special Thanks to Michael Evans for implementing this awesome Channel Graph Visualizer. Consider leaving a tip!