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LNPlay has been used in a variety of situations including in-person meetups and conferences. You can use LNPlay to create cool websites too!

ABDC - Design Review

ABDC - Design Review

The Austin Bitcoin Design Club reviewed UX/design of Clams Remote. LNPlay played a crucial role, allowing participants to experience all the features and functionality provided in Clams Remote.

Portland Bitcoin Group

Portland Bitcoin Group

Bitcoin Atlantis Lightning LARP

Bitcoin Atlantis Lightning LARP

Lighting Live with LNPlay at Bitcoin++ Buenos Aires

Lighting Live with LNPlay at Bitcoin++ Buenos Aires

Unconfiscatable 2023

Unconfiscatable 2023

LNPlay was used at Unconfiscatable in November 2023.

Tabconf 2023 -

Tabconf 2023 -

Team LNPlay joined forces to create, a website where meetup organizer or developers can purchase hosted LNPlay instances. Lightning-only!

Houston Meetup

Houston Meetup

Old City Bitcoiners - LNPlay Edition

Old City Bitcoiners - LNPlay Edition

North Houston Meetup

North Houston Meetup

Miami BitDevs

Miami BitDevs

BitBlockBoom August 2023

BitBlockBoom August 2023

BitBlockBoom in Austin TX, August 2023.



LNPlay can be used to create innovative websites. One example is the environment which demonstrates the use of BOLT12 Prisms on Lightning.